International Seminar:
The BRICs in turmoil
Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana-Azcapotzalco, Department of Economics
Séminaire BRIC, Fondation Maison des sciences de l’homme, Paris
Thursday 8 June, 2017, UAM-Azcapotzalco: Av. San Pablo 180, Colonia Reynosa-Tamaulipas, México, D.F.
Program and Slides:
10:00 hora
Welcome speech: Pr Abelardo Mariña, Dean, Department of Economics, UAM- Azcapotzalco, Mexico
Presentation of the day: Professor Xavier Richet, University Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris
Round table 1: Latin America between threats of protectionism and Asian growth
Chair: Dalia Maimon, Institute of Economics, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Dr. Sergio Cámara and Abelardo Mariña, UAM- Azcapotzalco, Mexico : México frente a los BRIC en el marco del mercado mundial – PPT Abelardo MarinaFlores 2017 BRIC –
Dr. Yuan Zhigang, Universidad Fudan, Shanghai, China: Growth and transformation of the Chinese Economy with Expansion of Assets and Liabilities – PPT Yuan Zhigang Mexico.2017.6.8ppt.ppt(2)–
Pr Guilhem Fabre, University Montpellier 3, France: From Trump’s rethoric to the realities of « Chimerica ».- PPT Fabre TRUMPRETHORIQUE.EDITED – |
Professor Alexis Saludjian Instituto de Economia, Universidade Federal de Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: La guerra de todos contra todos: la crisis brasileña – PPT Saludjian text BRICS EHESS Junio 2017 Saludjian –
Prof. Victor Rodwin, New York University, Prof. Guilhem Fabre, University Montpellier 3: BRIC, Health Care Systems, and Big Pharma: Strategic Policy Issues – PPT Rodwin.Fabre.BRICS tables –
14:00 hora: Break
15:00 hora
Round table 2: The new international deal and the BRICs
Chair: Michel Schiray, EHESS Paris
Dr. Jesús Lechuga: BRIC´s en la reconfiguración del espacio global de valorización – PPT Montenegro BRICS International Seminar–
LI Wancong, Fudan University, China: China’s financial developement mode and its impact –PPT Li Wancong – China’s financial development mode and its impact4.0 –
TAN Jing, Shanghai School of Economics, China: Will Migration Worsen Urban Safety? – PPT Tan Jing Will Migration Worsen Urban Safety –
Dr. Vidal Ibarra-Puig, UAM-Azcapotzalco, Mexico : The BRIC in turmoil. Impacts on Mexico – PPT Vidal Ibarra Puig TheBRICAndMexico –
Julien Vercueil, National Institute of Oriental Languages and Civilizations (INALCO),Paris: Europe or China: Where is Russia Heading ? – PPT Vercueil Mexico Russian Pivot –
Concluding remarks: Prof. Vidal Ibarra-Puig |