Annonce de la séance du 22 février 2018 : Wladimir Andreff sur les multinationales des pays en transition

La prochaine séance du séminaire BRICs se tiendra le jeudi 22 février 2018 à 19h au 105, Boulevard Raspail (EHESS), salle 2. Elle recevra  :

Wladimir Andreff [1]

sur le thème :

Les firmes multinationales des économies en transition et leurs investissements directs à l’étranger

Cette présentation s’appuiera sur l’article “Multinational companies from transition economies and their outward foreign direct investment”, Russian Journal of Economics, 3 (2017), 1-30, de Madeleine Andreff [2] et WladimirAndreff[1]

Abstract :

Multinational companies (MNCs) based in 26 post-communist transition economies (PTEs) emerged during the 1990s. Their outward foreign direct investment (OFDI) boomed dramatically from 2000 to 2007 in these countries, and then muddled through the financial crisis and great recession at difference paces on different paths. This difference is revealed in a sample of 15 PTEs for which data are available from 2000 to 2015.
Most of these economies appear to be on the brink of moving from the second to the third stage of Dunning’s investment development path. The geographical distribution of their OFDI favors host countries located in other PTEs, developed market economies, and tax havens while their industrial structure is more concentrated on services rather than on manufacturing and the primary sector. PTE-based MNCs primarily adopt a strategy of
market-seeking OFDI. Econometric testing shows that push factors are major determinants of OFDI. The results demonstrate that OFDI is determined by the home country’s level of economic development, the size of its home market, and its rate of growth as well as technological variables: OFDI decreases with an increase in the number of scientists in the home
economy and with an increase in the share of high-tech products in overall exports, exhibiting a negative technological gap. A lagged relationship between OFDI and previous inward FDI suggests that Mathews’ linkage-leverage-learning theory is relevant in the case of PTEs.

Accédez ici au pdf de la présentation : Séminaire BRICS MSH 22 février 2018 W ANDREFF

La langue de discussion sera le français.

Notes :

[1] Professeur émerite à l’Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne, membre honoraire de l’European Association for Comparative Economic Studies, President honoaire of l’International Association of Sports Economists et de l’European Sports Economics Association, Président du Conseil scientifique de l’Observatoire de l’économie du sport (Ministère des sports)

[2] Maître de conférence retraitée, Université Paris-Est – Marne la Vallée.

Annonce du séminaire de Sunanda Sen, “Financialisation and corporate investments in India”

Le prochain séminaire BRICs des FMSH-EHESS recevra / Our next seminar will recieve :

sur le thème / on the following topic :

Financialisation and Corporate Investments in India

Cliquez ci-contre pour accéder au pdf de la présentation : S Sen Financialisation and Corporate investments

Le séminaire aura lieu exceptionnellement / this time the seminar will be held on 

Mardi 2 juin 2015, à 18 heures, Salle 318 / June 2nd
Immeuble “Le France”, 190-198, avenue de France, 75013 Paris

Economiste de renommée internationale, la professeure Sunanda
a fait l’essentiel de sa carrière à la
Jawaharlal University Nehru, à New Delhi, avec la création du Centre for Economic Studies and Planning. Membre de l’Indian Council of Social Sciences, elle a fait de fréquents séjours à la FMSH, notamment. Parmi ses derniers ouvrages, citons Dominant Finance and
Stagnant Economies
, OUP, 2014 et Development on Trial (co-éd), Orient Black Swan, 2014.

Sunanda Sen is an economist who has been a Professor at the Jawaharlal Nehru University for nearly three decades. She has been a National Fellow, Indian Council of Social Sciences, New Delhi and currently a Visiting Professor at JamiaMillia Central University (New Delhi), a Research Associate at Levy Economics Institute, Bard College, USA, Joan Robinson Memorial Lecturer at Faculty of Economics, Cambridge University and a Life member of Clare Hall, Cambridge University. She is engaged in research on development, economic history ,international finance and Gender Studies.

Professor Sen has published ten books which include Dominant Finance and Stagnant Economies ( OUP 2014), Development on Trial (co-ed) (Orient BlackSwan 2014) Unfreedom and Waged Work : Labour in India’s Manufacturing Industry (Sage India 2009), Globalisation and Development National Book Trust Delhi 2007; Global Finance at Risk Palgrave Macmillan 2003 and OUP 2004. Her published papers include at least 50 or more articles in scholarly journals and edited volumes. She has held visiting appointments in a large number of foreign Universities and in UN organisations.


Annonce de la séance du 26 mars : Xavier Richet sur les multinationales chinoises

La onzième séance du séminaire BRICs des FMSH-EHESS aura lieu le jeudi  26 mars 2015, à 18 heures,  salle 1, au Rdc de l ‘immeuble “France”, 190-198, avenue de France, 75013 Paris (métro: Quai de la Gare). Elle recevra:

Xavier Richet

Un leadership contrarié ?

Croissance et internationalisation de l’économie chinoise


Xavier Richet 李國維 教授 , professeur et chercheur à l’ Université Sorbonne Nouvelle et à l’EHESS/FMSH à Paris, est titulaire d’une Chaire Jean Monnet ad personam.

Il présentera un document de travail réalisé, principalement, à partir de quatre ouvrages récents:

– Abrami Regina A., William C. Kirby & F. Warren McFarlan : Can China Lead ? Reaching the Limits of Power and Growth, Harvard Business Review Press, Cambridge (MA), 2014, 257 p.

– Fenby Jonathan:Will China Dominate the 21st Century ?Polity Press, Cambridge, 2014, 138 p.

– Nolan Peter : Is China Buying the World ? Polity Press, Cambridge, 2012, 147 p.

– Le Corre Philippe, alain Sepulcre : L’offensive chinoise en Europe, Fayard, Paris, 2015