“Could Russia become More innovative?”, Post Communist Economies, vol. 24, n°6, december 2014

Post Communist Economies publie un article de Julien Vercueil intitulé “Could Russia become More Innovative? Coordinating Key Actors of the Innovation System”.

DOI : 10.1080/14631377.2014.964464

Abstract :

This article studies the current development of the Russian innovation system, using a typology derived from a ‘national innovation systems’ framework. The institutional framework for research and development in Russia has changed. Public resources devoted to R&D have increased significantly. Nevertheless, results have been disappointing so far, driving policy makers to develop an extensive vision of the state’s role, ranging from the definition of objectives and priorities to the building of organisations designed to give decisive impetus to targeted sectors. The article supports the view that, beyond top-down planning, subsidies and fiscal incentives, a systemic – and so far overlooked – task of the state is to set the institutional conditions that can foster collaboration between actors who do not spontaneously develop cooperation skills.

link : http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/14631377.2014.964464?journalCode=cpce20#.VGHtwIeTUXw


Annonce de la Séance du Séminaire BRICS 9 octobre 18h : “Crisis of Manufacturing and the Re-emergence of Industrial Policy in India”, Sudip Chaudhury

La prochaine séance du séminaire BRICS aura lieu à l’EHESS, Bâtiment “Le France”, 190-198 av. de France, le 9 octobre 2014, à 18h en salle 3 / The next session of our BRICS seminar will be held in the Le France building, 190-198 av. de France, on October 9th, 6 PM, Room 3. Titre de la séance / Session Title : “Crisis in Manufacturing and the Re-emergence of Industrial Policy in India”, by Prof. Sudip Chaudhury.

Sudip Chaudhuri is a Professor of Economics at the Indian Institute of Management Calcutta and also a Visiting Professor of Economics at the Open University, Milton Keynes, UK. His research interests include industrialization and economic development in developing countries, role of state in economic change and patents regime and pharmaceutical industry. He has published widely including a book on WTO and India’s Pharmaceuticals Industry: Patent Protection, TRIPS and Developing Countries, Oxford University. He has done commissioned studies for various organizations including the World Health Organization, Geneva (WHO), United Nation Development Programme, New York (UNDP), United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), Vienna, the Reserve Bank of India, the Industrial Development Bank of India and the Government of India. He has been involved in several international collaborative research projects. He has participated in policy dialogues in different forums. His researches have influenced policy particularly in the fields of pharmaceutical industry, patents and local production.

Séminaire BRICs du 25 Septembre 2014 : Sudip Chaudury, “Promoting local production of pharmaceuticals in Sub-Saharan Africa”

Promoting local production of pharmaceuticals in Sub-Saharan Africa

Jeudi 25 septembre 2014 – 18h00, bâtiment Le France (190, av. de France, 75013 Paris), Salle 3.

Le professeur Sudip Chaudhuri est invité à la Fondation de la Maison des Sciences de l’Homme comme Directeur d’Etudes Associé, dans le cadre du programme franco-indien. Il  présentera ses travaux au cours de deux séances successives du séminaire BRICs de la FMSH/EHESS.

Première séance le 25 septembre, seconde début octobre. Les présentations seront faites en anglais.

Discutant: Guilhem Fabre

Sudip Chaudhuri is a Professor of Economics at the Indian Institute of Management Calcutta and also a Visiting Professor of Economics at the Open University, Milton Keynes, UK. His research interests include industrialization and economic development in developing countries, role of state in economic change and patents regime and pharmaceutical industry. He has published widely including a book on WTO and India’s Pharmaceuticals Industry: Patent Protection, TRIPS and Developing Countries, Oxford University. He has done commissioned studies for various organizations including the World Health Organization, Geneva (WHO), United Nation Development Programme, New York (UNDP), United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), Vienna, the Reserve Bank of India, the Industrial Development Bank of India and the Government of India. He has been involved in several international collaborative research projects. He has participated in policy dialogues in different forums. His researches have influenced policy particularly in the fields of pharmaceutical industry, patents and local production.