Annonce de la séance du 26 novembre : Wladimir Andreff sur les multinationales des BRICs

La prochaine séance du séminaire BRICS se tiendra le jeudi 26 novembre 2015 à 18h à l’EHESS, au bâtiment “Le France”, 190, avenue de France, salle 2. Elle recevra  :


sur le thème :

Outward Foreign Direct Investment from BRICs countries:  Comparing strategies of Brazilian, Russian, Indian and Chinese multinational companies

Abstract :

Outward foreign direct investment (OFDI) from post-communist and fast-growing developing (emerging) countries started to increasingly draw attention in the early 2000s[2]. Since then, the literature has expanded regarding strategies of multinational companies (MNCs) whose parent headquarters are based in the BRICs[3] but it exhibits only a few comparative studies; practically no one comparison samples all the four countries together[4]. Using a same methodology for comparing Brazilian and Indian MNCs (Andreff, 2014) then Russian and Chinese MNCs (Andreff, 2015) has facilitated an overall and systematic comparison of OFDI from all four BRICs presented below.

OFDI is compared across the BRICs first in terms of historical emergence (1), then as regard how it has boomed in the early 2000s and is muddling through the current financial crisis (2). Specificities of their MNCs’ strategies are pointed out (3), including their geographical (4) and industrial distribution (5), as well as econometric testing of the respective determinants of their OFDI (6). Finally, the role of home-country government vis-à-vis home-based MNCs is differentiated (7). Such comparison is of interest since Russia and China are transition countries while, at about the same time, India and Brazil have liberalised their economies without a post-communist systemic change. However, similarities and differences do not draw a clear-cut dividing line, as expected, between transitional MNCs and emerging MNCs.

La langue de discussion sera le français.

Notes :

[1] Professor Emeritus at the University Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne, Honorary Member of the European Association for Comparative Economic Studies, Honorary President of the International Association of Sports Economists and the European Sports Economics Association, former President of the French Economic Association.

[2] Among pioneering references: Andreff (2002 & 2003a), Chudnovsky & Lopez (2000), and Yeung (1999).

[3] Brazil, Russia, India and China; South Africa which is sometimes included in the (then) BRICS sample is not taken on board here.

[4] The comparison here is somewhat more extensive than those available in Duanmu & Guney (2009), Goldstein & Pusterla (2010), Milelli, Hay & Shi (2010), Pradhan (2011), Zhao (2011), De Beule & Van den Bulcke (2012), Kothari, Kotabe & Murphy (2013). Holtbrügge & Kreppel (2012) indeed cover all the four BRICs’ OFDI together though only with case studies of eight companies.

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Julien Vercueil (16 novembre 2015). Annonce de la séance du 26 novembre : Wladimir Andreff sur les multinationales des BRICs. BRICS et économies émergentes. Consulté le 12 février 2025 à l’adresse

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