Le prochain séminaire BRICs des FMSH-EHESS recevra / Our next seminar will recieve :
sur le thème / on the following topic :
Financialisation and Corporate Investments in India
Cliquez ci-contre pour accéder au pdf de la présentation : S Sen Financialisation and Corporate investments
Le séminaire aura lieu exceptionnellement / this time the seminar will be held on
Mardi 2 juin 2015, à 18 heures, Salle 318 / June 2nd
Immeuble “Le France”, 190-198, avenue de France, 75013 Paris
Economiste de renommée internationale, la professeure Sunanda
Sen a fait l’essentiel de sa carrière à la Jawaharlal University Nehru, à New Delhi, avec la création du Centre for Economic Studies and Planning. Membre de l’Indian Council of Social Sciences, elle a fait de fréquents séjours à la FMSH, notamment. Parmi ses derniers ouvrages, citons Dominant Finance and
Stagnant Economies, OUP, 2014 et Development on Trial (co-éd), Orient Black Swan, 2014.
Sunanda Sen is an economist who has been a Professor at the Jawaharlal Nehru University for nearly three decades. She has been a National Fellow, Indian Council of Social Sciences, New Delhi and currently a Visiting Professor at JamiaMillia Central University (New Delhi), a Research Associate at Levy Economics Institute, Bard College, USA, Joan Robinson Memorial Lecturer at Faculty of Economics, Cambridge University and a Life member of Clare Hall, Cambridge University. She is engaged in research on development, economic history ,international finance and Gender Studies.
Professor Sen has published ten books which include Dominant Finance and Stagnant Economies ( OUP 2014), Development on Trial (co-ed) (Orient BlackSwan 2014) Unfreedom and Waged Work : Labour in India’s Manufacturing Industry (Sage India 2009), Globalisation and Development National Book Trust Delhi 2007; Global Finance at Risk Palgrave Macmillan 2003 and OUP 2004. Her published papers include at least 50 or more articles in scholarly journals and edited volumes. She has held visiting appointments in a large number of foreign Universities and in UN organisations.
OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Julien Vercueil (26 mai 2015). Annonce du séminaire de Sunanda Sen, “Financialisation and corporate investments in India” BRICS et économies émergentes. Consulté le 11 septembre 2024 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/m520