Les activités du séminaire BRICs reprennent en octobre.
La séance inaugurale se tiendra mercredi 4 octobre à 18h, à la Maison de la Recherche de l’Inalco (2, Rue de Lille, Métro Saint Germain des Prés, salon Borel – 1er étage).
Pour cette séance inaugurale, nous aurons le plaisir de recevoir le professeur Yuan Zhigang, de l’Université de Fudan (Shanghai) ,
sur le thème suivant :
Les grands défis de l’économie chinoise
La séance aura lieu en français (diaporama en anglais), en hybride (présentiel et distanciel simultanés, lien zoom au pied de l’article)
Résumé :
China’s economy with a population of more than one billion has experienced rapid growth for more than 40 years, which is a miracle of mankind.
However, since the global financial crisis in 2008, China’s economy has experienced violent fluctuations, which are due to the lack of long-term growth momentum on the supply side (slow technological progress and lagging market-oriented reform); There are also reasons for insufficient global demand and domestic demand.
- China’s economy is facing two long-term challenges : (1) China’s demographic dividend is weakened; (2) China’s industrial structure is transferred and upgraded.
- China’s economy must also address short term challenges : (1)Insufficient aggregate demand. Since the beginning of 2023, external demand, real estate and infrastructure investment have been sluggish. At the same time, China residents have a high propensity to save and low consumption ; (2)The recession crisis of real estate and balance sheet. In recent years, the government has strictly controlled the real estate market from the supply side and the demand side.
The presentation will tackle both short term and long term challenges.
L’intervenant :
Prof. Yuan obtained his PhD in economics from the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales in 1993. He used to be dean of the School of Economics at Fudan University (2004-2015). In 2006 and 2007, he was honored as the Changjiang Scholar and National Outstanding Teacher by the Ministry of Education of the PRC respectively. Besides, he is also director of the Employment and Social Security Research Center at Fudan University, director of Academic Committee in Faculty of Economics and Management at East China Normal University, vice president of the Shanghai Economist Society (2008-2017).
Professor Yuan has been dedicated to research on disequilibrium economics and its application in China. His PhD dissertation was supervised by Prof. Jean-Pascal Benassy and in 1994 Prof. Yuan published his debut work Non-Walrasian Equilibrium Theory and Its Application to China’s Economy, which was republished in 1997 and in the same year won Sun Yefang Prize, the supreme award in economics in China.
Professor Yuan’s research interests are macroeconomic issues covering employment, social security and social insurance for old people, household consumption, financial reform and real estate. Until now, he has published over 150 papers and 20 books. Furthermore, he has been in charge of a variety of national research projects, including key or major ones funded by the Ministry of Education and the National Social Science Foundation. For his research work he has received over 20 provincial and national awards such as the Shanghai Award for Outstanding Research in Philosophy and Social Sciences and the Ministry of Education Award for Research Achievements in Humanities and Social Sciences. His 2010 book, Equilibrium and Disequilibrium: China’s Macro Economy and Its Transition, is one of the seven economics books in the first edition of National Achievements Library of Philosophy and Social Sciences. His research work is also included in The Collection of Books by the Top 100 Economists Who Have Contributed Tremendously to the PRC’s Economy, published on the 60th anniversary of the founding of the PRC and edited by Economic Research Journal, a top Chinese economics journal.
Séance en hybride : 2 rue de Lille et distanciel / lien zoom : https://zoom.us/j/95152358712
ID de réunion: 951 5235 8712
OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Julien Vercueil (23 septembre 2023). Annonce de la séance inaugurale de la saison 2023-2024 (4/10/2023, 18h) : Zhigang Yuan sur les grands défis actuels de l’économie chinoise. BRICS et économies émergentes. Consulté le 11 septembre 2024 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/m55s