BRICS and emerging economies : an introduction to the blog

This blog is devoted to the economic and social challenges arising from the current transformations in big emerging economies : first and foremost Brazil, Russia, India and China. However, other emerging economies, as South Africa, Indonesia and Malaysia among others, will also be addressed in this blog.

The transformations that these economies are experciencing are part of the current globalization process. In turn, they have an impact on it. Studying these changes allows to address in a renewed manner classical questions for economists as : the evolving economic role of the State ; institutional evolution and its interaction with economic processes ; the impact of borders opening and increasing involvement of transnational corporations on domestic markets and industries ; the transformations affecting national innovation systems ;  relationships between the center and the periphery, regional economic integration, the likelihood of regional currencies emergence, and so on.

In this blog, posts will also tackle some problems that are specific to these countries as a whole : inter-BRICs economic relations, state-led cooperation between BRICs, regional rivalry, the building of common institutions and organizations, etc.



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Julien Vercueil (10 juillet 2014). BRICS and emerging economies : an introduction to the blog. BRICS et économies émergentes. Consulté le 12 janvier 2025 à l’adresse

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