Post Communist Economies publie un article de Julien Vercueil intitulé “Could Russia become More Innovative? Coordinating Key Actors of the Innovation System”.
DOI : 10.1080/14631377.2014.964464
Abstract :
This article studies the current development of the Russian innovation system, using a typology derived from a ‘national innovation systems’ framework. The institutional framework for research and development in Russia has changed. Public resources devoted to R&D have increased significantly. Nevertheless, results have been disappointing so far, driving policy makers to develop an extensive vision of the state’s role, ranging from the definition of objectives and priorities to the building of organisations designed to give decisive impetus to targeted sectors. The article supports the view that, beyond top-down planning, subsidies and fiscal incentives, a systemic – and so far overlooked – task of the state is to set the institutional conditions that can foster collaboration between actors who do not spontaneously develop cooperation skills.
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Julien Vercueil (11 novembre 2014). “Could Russia become More innovative?”, Post Communist Economies, vol. 24, n°6, december 2014. BRICS et économies émergentes. Consulté le 14 février 2025 à l’adresse